Sunday, October 11, 2015

the blog is updated!

At last I have the blog completely updated!  I thought that I would have more time when all my kids are in school, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  I am as busy as ever.  I think that is the nature of life.  If we are trying to live fulfilling lives, we will always be busy with worthwhile activities.  Besides volunteering in my kids' classes (James and Lizzy), and getting started at volunteering at my library, working hard in my cub scout calling, I have also gotten into family history.  I have had such a fun time working on familysearch.  Being meticulous in looking up records and getting everything cleaned up and in order appeals to my sense of organization.  It has been a wonderful investment of my time, and something that I'll be working on today as I am home with a recovering Jimmy (a little bit of a tummy bug yesterday, so he's staying home from church today to get all better).
It's been wonderful to catch up on this blog as it is my family history, my personal history.  At least, one aspect of my history.