Wednesday, September 17, 2014

all caught up!

I am slowly digging myself out of the backlog of projects I put off all summer, and I'm also adjusting to my new routine.  I work out at the gym (weights primarily since cardio bores me to tears - I know, I know, cardio is important, but I run around a lot all day, so that counts, right?) Monday, Wednesday, Friday and call that good.  I volunteer in Lizzy's and James' classes on Tuesdays (I was at the school for over four hours yesterday).  I'll start volunteering in Daniel's class on Thursdays each week after I do my weekly grocery shopping (which is perfect since his teacher doesn't want me until a little after 11 am).  I'm trying to attend the temple once a month.  Visiting teaching is more consistent (summers are just crazy!  We had to count a few phone visits due to schedule conflicts with everyone out of town at different times).  Oh, and the primary program is just about written, cub scouts is underway (and I am *not* a den leader this year - rejoice! - instead, I am helping out as treasurer, which I have done for three or four years now, so no biggie), and life is pretty good.

mud run
look who lost a tooth...or two!
mini crossbows
yes, we live in paradise
little princess