Friday, September 30, 2011


I've been such a slacker with blogging, but I finally carved out some time this morning (to the detriment of my messy house, but it's just going to get messed up further in a couple of hours when the boys have their weekly playdate with several of their friends) and updated the latest and greatest over the past two months in our family.

In this update, Lizzy is still driving me crazy (but I love her), the boys finished up soccer and started up school, we visited family in Utah, and have been enjoying life.

I hope that you're all having a wonderful autumn. This is my absolute favorite time of the year. Next week on the menu is one of my favorite stews, the first recipe of many that we'll enjoy over the next several months. Yum!

nothing's safe
first day of school
reading is cool
good-bye soccer
life of the party
the tooth fairy paid a visit
hello kitty!