Sunday, November 23, 2014

grateful for blessings

We've been a little busy lately.  Between Brian's work and ecclesiastical responsibilities, he's been gone more evenings than he's been home the past few weeks.  Add in the stress of buying a home and all the documents, all the inspections, all the work that goes into just moving, and we're a little tired.  

We are truly blessed, though.  Not only are we blessed to find a house that we love and will make our home, but we have replacement tenants (since we are breaking our lease) so that stress is removed.  Things have come together, and I know it's because the way has been opened for us.  

The week that we were contemplating buying this house, I went to the Snowflake temple.  I was a ball of emotions and stress and anxiety.  But, as I prayerfully studied the decisions in front of our family in my mind, I felt this overwhelming sensation of peace and calm.  

I'm sick today with a bad cold.  Brian spoke in church (the entire bishopric spoke!) and I'm so sorry that I missed it.  Daniel is under the weather, too.  So, the kids and I stayed home today.  I always feel off when I can't make it to church.  But, I decided to take this time to catch up on my blog and remember all the ways that the Lord has blessed me.  At the end of the day, what matters most is my precious family.  We love each other.  We are happy.  We have the gospel in our home.  What is more important than that?  

fun run
when we're helping we're happy
birthday boy
happy Halloween!
baptism day
we're buying a house!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

all caught up!

I am slowly digging myself out of the backlog of projects I put off all summer, and I'm also adjusting to my new routine.  I work out at the gym (weights primarily since cardio bores me to tears - I know, I know, cardio is important, but I run around a lot all day, so that counts, right?) Monday, Wednesday, Friday and call that good.  I volunteer in Lizzy's and James' classes on Tuesdays (I was at the school for over four hours yesterday).  I'll start volunteering in Daniel's class on Thursdays each week after I do my weekly grocery shopping (which is perfect since his teacher doesn't want me until a little after 11 am).  I'm trying to attend the temple once a month.  Visiting teaching is more consistent (summers are just crazy!  We had to count a few phone visits due to schedule conflicts with everyone out of town at different times).  Oh, and the primary program is just about written, cub scouts is underway (and I am *not* a den leader this year - rejoice! - instead, I am helping out as treasurer, which I have done for three or four years now, so no biggie), and life is pretty good.

mud run
look who lost a tooth...or two!
mini crossbows
yes, we live in paradise
little princess

Friday, August 29, 2014

We had a perfect summer - a hike with friends, summer movies, trip to Tucson, swim lessons, library activities and summer reading program, playdates with friends, riding bikes, and a trip to Grandma and Grandpa's.  

School is in full swing now, and the kids are having a wonderful time.  I thought that Lizzy would want to start at half-days, but she wants to be at school.  I miss having my little companion home with me, but I am so glad that she is enjoying kindergarten.

I knew I would still be busy once the kids were in school, but I didn't realize how busy it would be.  Between volunteering at the school, heading up the fifth grade memory book committee, working as treasurer for my boys' cub scout pack, attending the temple, and spending some time with friends, there is little time to spare these past three weeks.  I am hoping that September will be a little calmer as I settle into a routine.

In this update ~

our time in Utah
new specs
back to school
Princess Monkey and family time

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May updates

School ends next week and summer begins.  We've got summer movies, summer reading program through the library, swim lessons, a trip or two planned, and in general just plan to have a lot of fun.  I'm really looking forward to it!

the Grand Canyon
having a daughter
happy Mother's Day to me!
busy year with cub scouts

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014

catch up part 2

I am all caught up...just in time for spring break where we'll make more memories to record.  I read through most of the books I had stacked in that previous entry, and a new book came in to the library, so I've been enjoying reading it as well.

I've also been catching up on my digital photo books.  I am behind by three years now, so it was time to finally get to work on them.  I have one ordered through Shutterfly right now (55% off because of a sale plus free shipping!), so now I just have a couple or so to make to be all caught up there.
Then I need to work on getting my blog printed since it's my journal.  I have years recorded on this site, so I'd like to have a physical copy of those entries.  It's a project I'll be working on this year, I hope.
It feels good to have read through my backlog of books, catch up on my blog, and now get to work on my digital photo books.  *happy*happy*

valentine's day and a valentine's girl
a decade old!
Hopi Bean Dance
won a contest

Saturday, March 1, 2014

catch up part 1

Today is the first time I have blogged this year.  I have found that between running after my kids and all their activities and between my own activities, blogging has taken a backseat.  But, it is also my form of journal these days, so it is finally time that I make some time to catch up.
Lately, I have been on a crocheting kick making bags.  Nearly every single night, Brian and I would watch an episode or two of The X-Files (on Amazon Prime) and I would crochet.  It's been a lot of fun.  The larger bag in the picture below is going to be my new temple bag.  It is the perfect size to fit my temple things in and keep things safe and nice.

Lizzy was recovering from her bout with pneumonia when this picture was taken.  Despite not feeling well, she still made a beautiful model for my bag.
The other thing that has taken a lot of my personal time (when I manage to find some, that is), is reading.  Sometimes my eyes are too big for my time, in that when I go to the library I check out more books than I can possibly read in a reasonable amount of time.  The other problem is that I tend to place a lot of books on hold (one time recently, I got a message when I tried to place a book on hold that I had reached the maximum number of items to place on hold...which is apparently 20 for my library), and then invariably, they all come in at once.  So, I'm in even more trouble.  
The first picture is when I was feeling slightly overwhelmed with my reading material.  I had just picked up Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings from the library and about died when I saw how huge it was.  At 1007 pages or 3 pounds of reading (yes, I weighed it), it was daunting.  And, I had to read it because I had been on hold for it for three months and I couldn't renew it because someone else had a hold on it after me. 

First, I had to read Unbroken for my book group, which also had a hold on it (it was very good, btw).  Then I got to The Way of Kings, which I read in two weeks.  I proudly returned it to the library on the day it was due.  Since I place holds on books so often, I feel it my duty to make sure that I respect other people's holds since I'd like the favor to be returned.  It was a fantastic book, and...I am only the second person in line for the sequel - Words of Radiance - that comes out this coming week. 

While I was still reading The Way of Kings, the library came in with the first two volumes of a manhwa series, Chocolat.  Those volumes were marked as missing, so the library replaced them.  Once they came in, of course I had to not only check those two volumes out, but also volumes three through eight to complete the series.  I don't want to risk having one of the other volumes go missing before I can read them.  A few other books came in as well so that my stack was just getting bigger and bigger.
So, I was drowning in books.  I love it, but I have to say, once I got through the Sanderson tome and was able to get through some of the backlog, I feel a little lighter.  I still have a huge stack of books, but it's not nearly as daunting as it was even a week ago.
That's enough on books, though.  It's just what's taken precedence to blogging.  But, without further ado, here is the first round of catching up.  

Happy New Year 2014
daily adventures
Gilbert Temple Open House
cub scouts
is this really fourth grade?

Stay tuned for our visit to the Hopi Nation, Daniel's birthday, and Elizabeth's first hair cut!